I am so very thankful...
the list is ridiculously blessed long of the many things/people I am thankful for:
- so thankful that I can worship and learn about my God in a free country
- so thankful for the men/women who stand in harm's way to provide that freedom for me and my family
- so very thankful for my husband who provides me with patience and unending love when I am nuts and has never been judgmental about my size or looks... I am blessed beyond measure to have a man who has loved me from size 14 to 24 and back to a 10... he is the answer to most women's prayers, but is MINE
- so thankful for three healthy children who drive me crazy and give my joy
- so thankful for my parents and Scott's parents and his grandmother to be able to enjoy this holiday with us again this year
- so thankful for my sister (okay, sister-in-law but the closest thing to a sister I will ever have!) and her hubby (okay, my husband's brother, but chill out) and all 7 of her children who bring me laughter and tears and happiness by being in my home right now
- thankful for a job where I can work along-side friends and play with children while getting a paycheck - with hours that allow my children to continue to think I am a stay-at-home mom and can be there for them at any hour
- thankful for friends who I can call on in the middle of the night, chat with on facebook, laugh over coffee with, cry with, argue with, hug on, and love me even when I am unlovely
- so very thankful for my warm home - warm in temperature and warm in love
- thankful for the smells coming from my kitchen even at this early hour
Thanksgiving has come into my home... and I am so very thankful