November 28, 2013

so very thankful

I am so very thankful... 
the list is ridiculously blessed long of the many things/people I am thankful for:

  • so thankful that I can worship and learn about my God in a free country
  • so thankful for the men/women who stand in harm's way to provide that freedom for me and my family
  • so very thankful for my husband who provides me with patience and unending love when I am nuts and has never been judgmental about my size or looks... I am blessed beyond measure to have a man who has loved me from size 14 to 24 and back to a 10... he is the answer to most women's prayers, but is MINE
  • so thankful for three healthy children who drive me crazy and give my joy
  • so thankful for my parents and Scott's parents and his grandmother to be able to enjoy this holiday with us again this year
  • so thankful for my sister (okay, sister-in-law but the closest thing to a sister I will ever have!) and her hubby (okay, my husband's brother, but chill out) and all 7 of her children who bring me laughter and tears and happiness by being in my home right now
  • thankful for a job where I can work along-side friends and play with children while getting a paycheck - with hours that allow my children to continue to think I am a stay-at-home mom and can be there for them at any hour
  • thankful for friends who I can call on in the middle of the night, chat with on facebook, laugh over coffee with, cry with, argue with, hug on, and love me even when I am unlovely
  • so very thankful for my warm home - warm in temperature and warm in love
  • thankful for the smells coming from my kitchen even at this early hour
Thanksgiving has come into my home... and I am so very thankful

November 12, 2013

He did it!

This is a couple of weeks late - forgive me!

My oldest has been striving toward his Eagle rank. He completed his project in August. He completed the paperwork in September. He received all of his six letters of recommendation in September.

All that was left was the Eagle Board of Review... that dreaded meeting with four scoutmasters/asst scoutmasters that he had never met before... his own father not permitted to be with him... they would ask questions that he would have to answer confidently and completely... He needed to be able to communicate with eye contact...

My son has most of the characteristics of Aspergers Syndrome. He struggles with communication. He is completely aware of these struggles. He faces it daily. It is difficult to ask for help in the classroom. He has a hard time facing an adult with a problem or if he is being challenged. He has been working on eye contact and a strong voice for years... we practiced and role played the Board of Review for WEEKS...

On October 30th, my son sat before his board. They asked questions about his project. They questioned him about the benefits of scouting in his life. He was asked about what he planned to do with scouts in the future. He told them about his favorites things in scouts and he future professional plans...


After his interview, they voted unanimously to award his hard work.

My son will forever be an EAGLE SCOUT.

We will host a big party for him in January after the holidays. He is already forming a list of people who he has loved and looked up to over the years that he wants us to invite. We are thrilled for him!

Last week, he attended a ceremony for a fellow scout... The Eagle Scouts in attendance were asked to stand and say something... He smiled from ear to ear and stood with great pride as he repeated the words. It was his first time being recognized as an Eagle Scout... what a beautiful sight!

I am proud of my kid... he has completed a feat that less than 10 scouts out of 100 ever complete... 
He is and will always be an Eagle Scout!