November 24, 2011

new holiday

things are different this year - some things are different in great ways and some are just different...

It is weird to be up in PA for the holiday and not have my in-laws with us... Rusty is still in a couple casts from his accident on the football field... MawB is still moving slowly from a very serious surgery. I have not celebrated Thanksgiving in TWENTY years without them... it is weird different... Stacy was just cutting the turkey. Rusty and I always fight over the skin - we love it... It was not nearly as much fun without him to fight with and without Judy hollering at us to quit while MawB watched with a small smile....

It is different to hear all of the language at the table... we have English. We have some Chinese. We have baby talk. And then we have the odd mixture of all three being spoken all through out the house. It is beautiful to hear. It is different, but it works.

My kids are finally at that age where I do not have to help them... They get their business taken care of in the restroom. They are dressing and packing their own suitcases and bodies... as a matter of fact, Alex forgot socks, but I think it is funny. They do not need help fixing their dinner plate. They can handle it all on their own. It is nice to see. I can actually eat WARM food this year... no running around fixing plates and drinks and cutting meat in to bite-size pieces...

We are in a hotel. We are now such a big family that it is difficult for all of us to be under one roof... now, I am sure we could make it work... but, we are staying in a hotel. With a total of 14 people here (remember we are missing three this year), it makes for a line at the restrooms and a line for a seat on the couch!

there is a baby in the house... my little three month old nephew, Charlie, is PRECIOUS. It has been 6 years since there had been a baby Sublett. What fun he brings to the table - we are all fighting over who needs to change him, who gave him the last bottle, who gets to play with him, cuddle with him... with 10 kids and four adults here, that little baby hasn't had to be put down once!!!

Different is not always bad, sometimes it is just different...

it is bad that we are missing three

it is wonderful to have new faces on Team Sublett

thanksgiving has been a good time all around

November 20, 2011

good friends and good fun

Last night a group of my dear friends came together to help a friend. We all worked hard to put together a fundraising BBQ dinner in order to raise money to give to her to help with the medical expenses from her young son's leukemia. Several leaders took control and really put together an amazing dinner. A wonderful group of firemen came together and volunteered their time and did a TON to help as well. We also had a group of girl scouts come and help sell items for more money for our friend. We even had a local band come and play awesome live classic rock and donated their time for the cause as well. It was a night where a bunch of my friends worked hard, together, in unity... and we laughed a lot.

I had my daughter baby-sitting a bunch of the volunteers' kids (my youngest being one of them as well). I had my oldest son volunteering at the dinner. It is important that they witness how friendships should work... good ole "I would do anything to help" kind of friendships.

I started around 8:45 am rounding up items for the dinner. Some of the workers had been working for weeks... I was not home for more than 30 minutes at a time on Saturday... Once we got to the community center, we all turned it on into high gear. It looked great. The food was great.

but what was really great....

I had fun. I laughed. I danced. I talked. I got to see a ton of people who I haven't seen in awhile. I was able to hug a few. I served a ton of people. But, I really had a great time. At the end of the night, we were exhausted and had raised a ton on money for our friend.

so -this afternoon, I am talking about the dinner with my oldest... and he looks at me and says,

"You have really good friends to have fun with, mom. I hope one day I can have friends like those."

truer words have never been said...

I pray that he finds them too... and I pray that it does not take him the 40 years that it took me to find a circle like I have.

Thanksgiving is this week... and I have so much to be thankful for - I am truly thankful for my circle...
 it is good

November 12, 2011


It seems that yesterday I was thrilled to have a little baby girl...

It seems that yesterday I was trying to figure out how I gave birth to a girlie little thing who loved pink, dolls, and giggled a lot.

It seems that yesterday I was changing diapers and chasing around a little girl who was her daddy's special girl.

It seems that time has flown by when I was not paying attention...

It seems as though my baby girl became a young lady...

I am more proud with every day that goes by...

one job title - MOTHER

Over the years, I have struggled as a mother... all mothers do, and I am no different. We are referees, nurses, tailors, taxi-drivers, teachers, chefs, and many other professions.... all rolled up into one!

Lately, I feel as though I have been a police officer... locking up toys/items for punishments, jailing children while grounding them, serving meals that may not be as wonderful as they desire to remind them what jail will be like... separating the prisoners when they fight...
laying down the law constantly.
I am tired.
I have given up that role of officer.
In my "epiphany" over the last year, I started trying to teach everyone around me that ALL choices have consequences. I am now enforcing that logic in my household.

I will no longer nag about homework. I will provide an environment where it can be done. I will only assist when absolutely necessary (but will do, type, tape, draw NOTHING). Your grades that You earn will be Yours. I graduated from high school. I graduated from college. I have my degree and I have my job.... it is your turn.

I will no longer nag about rooms being clean. You know the rules. Things that are left on the floor will be thrown away.... if you do not care about them, I certainly do not. I am a minimalist.... if you are not using it, then you do not need it. If you do not care for it, then neither do I.

I will no longer yell or argue. If you need me or want me, come to the room where I am. Let's talk. I am happy to hear about your day and discuss anything that you need... but I will not be screamed at throughout the house like I am your maid or servant. You will respect me, and then I will respect you... but because I respect myself, these are my rules.

I am happy to negoitate my terms. I will talk with reason and with reasonable people... if you have reason and are reasonable, please come to me... otherwise, you would be wise to stay back.

The choices of all of the people in my home will have consequences.
No guilt, no threats, no manipulation, no whining will be found....

I love my children dearly.... so much so that I want to empower them with power to do great things in life for themselves and for others. If I continue to fight their battles for them, they do not learn to stand up alone. If I do their projects or type papers, they will fail in college or at their job when I can no longer do it for them. If I police their every action and arguement, they will not have the social skills to maintain relationships and work through problems.

I am their mother. I will love them through it.... but they will start making some tough choices around here... and every choice they make will have an equal consequence... some will be wonderful, and some may not be so swell... but they will own their choices... because all of them will be their own.

Amanda Sublett
-mother since August 12, 1998 (the afternoon that I received the call that there was a little boy in Russia waiting for me and my love)