March 01, 2012

a ride home

so... today, my daughter called to ask if she could bring a boy home to work on a project... then, we could just take him home... now, besides the fact that I already had 6 kids plus myself in the car... oh, what the heck.... sure, Jess.

fast forward - "____, do you live close to us?"
      "I dunno"
me- "what neighborhood do you live in?"
      "don't think it has a name."
me - "okay - well, what is your zip code? that will give me an idea"
      "what is a zip code? I dunno what you mean."
me - "okay, what is your street address?"
      "3231 ______ Rd"
me - "is that over near Wheels? off Cheek Rd?"
      "don't really know - maybe"
me - "thank the Lord for GPS on my phone...."

This child is 13 years old.

again fast forward - I did get the child home. Even though as I took the exit off 70, he told me that he did not recognize where we were and that I should maybe look at my phone again.... And even though, I have never met nor spoken to his parents... and did not have their number and they did not have mine...

parents - please make sure that your kids know their address by age 13... and they should be able to get me to your house... and you should never send them to my home or in my car without knowing me or at least my phone number...

it is no wonder that I am a little over protective of my kids....

not really anything

it has almost been a month since my last post... I notice that I write when I am at extremes....
very happy, very mad, very sad...

but I am not really anything tonight...

I am a normal (somewhat) mother of three kids... A mother who spent a majority of her life in her car today for my kids... I mother who made meals, did some laundry, vacuumed the den, did a few carpools, helped some kids with a project, drove a kid to his home (worthy of an entire blog of itself), ordered some pizza and am presently waiting for the clock to strike BEDTIME.

I think we think we "have to be" a strong emotion...
and I will admit that being over the top happy is great...
but I am very content to settle with "being just fine"

Looking around, I have friends....
  • who are sick (I am pretty healthy),
  • have children with problems (My kids are pretty normal with some ADHD troubles that occur once and awhile),
  • have a terrible job (I play with little kids for a living and they actually pay me a little to do it, who could complain about that?),
  • have a bad marriage (I have been married almost 19 years to a great man... we love hard and fight hard, but end up with the loving!)....

I am pretty well blessed. I could list my woes and complain about every little thing that is not going my way - but in the end, you have to suck it up, play the hand you are dealt or RE-SHUFFLE!

I think that I need to change my prayers... no longer do I want to pray for my kids to be "fixed" or for my salary to be doubled (although I would be totally willing for any of you to pray for these two things for me!)....

I want to learn to pray to be content... content in what God has given me... accept His grace with open hands...

So, tonight I am not really anything... but content... and that is an extreme feeling for me!