October 22, 2013

time after time

I have to remind myself that I make the same mistakes over and over again...

I swear off cussing... then something happens or I stump my toe, and "it's back"...
I swear off carbs... then I see Outbacks' brown bread loaf, and "it's back"...
I swear that I will not allow myself to be manipulated... then I get the phone call, and the next thing I know I am back to doing things out of guilt and a feeling of obligation that is fabricated.

So, I should not be surprised when I see the very weaknesses in my children...
They are just as human and created out of the very same flesh as I...
They have no desire to be in trouble any more than I...
They want to be loved and accepted the same as I...

we are the same...
different struggles, same result...
Lord, help me to be more patient when I see my own faults in my children. Help me to be able to guide them to the cross instead of the horrible words and guilt that I instinctively throw at them...

Help me to be able to demonstrate grace...
the very same grace that You extend to me time after time....

1 comment:

  1. Oh Amanda thank you for sharing. I'm in agreement with that beautiful prayer. Amen


What do you think about that?