September 07, 2011


high school is rough... funny, but I do not remember it being rough... at least not academically...

High school was fun for me... I had a boyfriend. I performed in musicals and plays. I made mostly A's. I was super involved in my youth group. I went to a lot of parties... not with my youth group. I drove around with my friends and laughed a lot. I do not remember doing homework. I never studied until college. I would stay after school for play practice or show choir until 5:30 or 6 most days. It was a blast. My grades and test scores were good - I got into the college I wanted. I completed the degree I wanted, then moved on to the exact job I wanted... I remember everything a lot easier than I am seeing for my kid.

My oldest is doing homework tonight... it is 7:20pm. He has been working since a little before 4pm... He is nowhere near finished. It hurts my heart to see him struggle. He is just doing worksheets and defining words. He is not studying.... if he were to actually study, he would have to work even longer. I know that is not going to happen...

After 6.5 hours of school, is it really okay for us to expect our kids to do homework for over 3 hours... how about 4 hours...

I wish he was having the same experience I had in high school...

I wish I had the patience to homeschool...

1 comment:

  1. Really Sorry Amanda,
    Is it busy work, or would a tutor help? I would talk with the teachers. Seems like their pushing too hard at VHS.


What do you think about that?