My Sweet Girl
I can not believe that 14 years ago I was cuddling a sweet little 6lb 6oz baby girl... She was an unexpected bundle of greatness... After so many years of wanting children, Scott and I were graced by two children in under a year. We adopted our first child from Russia only to return home finding me so sick I was sure I was dying... I was pregnant.
I woke up at 3:15am on June 8, 1999... I had a weird pain in my back. I tried showering, but that stupid pain kept coming about every 4 minutes... We arrived at the hospital around 4 (Scott drove past several parking places trying to find the best one, and I almost killed him)... I had a natural labor with no medication, but only because I was 8cm when I arrived. I begged for drugs, but no one would give me so much as an aspirin! I decided that it hurt and I no longer wanted to have a baby... then at 7:26, the doctor said push, I pushed, and in one giant thrust Jessica flew into our hearts in one gush. At the time, we all swore she was the most gorgeous thing over... "thing" was probably right... newborns are not cute at birth... only their mothers think so!
14 years later, my daughter still holds a special place in the hearts of all who meet her. She is a happy girl. Almost every day is the "happiest day ever" for her. She is a polite kid with a sparkle in her eyes. She loves children and hopes to teach preschool or kindergarten or work in a daycare forever. Her heart is so big that I know she will have many joys and heartbreaks along her way.
I could not be more proud of my kid...
She makes amazing grades. She has a few very close friends who crack me up constantly. She fills this house with laughter and drama.
She will being her high school career in the fall and I still have trouble thinking about that fact.
Happy 14th Birthday to the best daughter I have ever had... and the only one I ever want...
none other would be able to compare
Happy Birthday Jess!! We LOVE you!!!