December 24, 2011

HE was born

I understand that Jesus was probably not born on December 25, 0000...

but He was born

I cannot fathom my Lord choosing to leave heaven and all of its wonder. I cannot imagine looking into the eyes of God, the Father, and being willing to leave Him to come to earth. I wonder why He was interested in coming to help a horrible sinner such as myself.

but He was born

As I was growing up, I would love to tell you wonderful heartfelt stories about my childhood Christmases... I would love to tell you that we prayed each night and re-told the Christmas story. I would love to tell you that Christmas Eve we read the story from Luke and were teary as we thought about Christ coming to the earth to save us from the depths of hell... but we never did.

Christmas was all about Santa. I loved him. To this day, I collect Santas. I know that many Christians are against Santa and some have a fit when they discover that I have a ton of Santas. Santa loved me regardless of my behavior or attitude. Santa always wanted the best for me. Santa always brought me the most wonderful surprises and gifts. He was an amazing man, a forgiving man, a loving man

but HE was born

Jesus is the reason that we celebrate. He is an amazing GOD. He is a forgiving GOD. He is a loving GOD.

He was born... a couple thousand years ago... just for me... well, I know that it was for all of us... but as an only, adopted child... I like to think that all Jesus did, went thru, and died for was for me... cause I need it.

He was born of a virgin. He left heaven to come to a smelly stable. He grew up in a social class that was far beneath the King He should have been. He died in a horrible, gruesome way.

He was born for me

Merry Christmas - and Happy Birthday to Jesus... I pray that I can remember and concentrate on the true meaning and reason to celebrate Christmas... and I pray that my children will have wonderful memories of Christmas just like I did... but different memories...

because HE was born

but I love Christmas

I love Christmas... I really really really, truly LOVE Christmas... I know it is stressful. I understand that it is depressing to some who have lost loved ones or who are alone during the holiday... I get it. I have lost some amazing family members as well. I have friendships that have been lost or lessened greatly over the past year. I have family that is far away and who I cannot hug or love on this weekend. I have a husband who is not a fan of Christmas. I work myself to death in the kitchen and at the mall to prepare. It is exhausting.

but I love Christmas

I love giving gifts to my family... I want NOTHING... ask them, it is true. I get frustrated if I have to open presents... I really do. I don't want birthday gifts. I don't want Christmas gifts. Write me a letter from the heart. Paint or draw me a picture. But I do not like opening presents at all...

but I love Christmas

I love to think and brainstorm over what would bring a smile or better yet a SQUEAL from my children. I love to think of a surprise gift for my parents and my husband. Scott and I rarely buy for ourselves. So, I like to try to get one "OMG" gift for him each year... not a big price tag, just something he wants, not needs... I love to get the best deal on the gift. More than anything, I love to stay up late Christmas Eve getting Santa ready... to anticipate the screaming as they RUN into the bonus room in just a few hours... I get no sleep Christmas Eve

but I love Christmas

I love to watch each child take turns opening presents (youngest to oldest, one gift each round). I like to hear the joy and the laughter. I love to see them try to act happy over the pair of jeans, and then squeal when they find a special surprise in the pocket of the jeans... I love to get tackled by the happy child who could not believe that I found it, got it, or actually bought whatever that gift was that they so desperately wanted and had opened. Then there is the cleaning of all the mess spread out all over the room.

but I love Christmas....

I love it so much that I just can't wait till this evening... I love it

December 19, 2011

silly kids

my kids find funny ways to humor themselves... and me!

Right now my kids have ipod touches, PS2, Wii games, computer games, a trampoline, two golden retrievers, bikes, scooters, skateboards, balls, Frisbees, Lego's, puzzles, books, etc...

what are two of my kids doing? they have taken the lid off of my wrapping paper box... (under the bed storage sized)... they perch themselves on it, precariously on the top of the carpeted steps and SURF down...

I'm headed to the mall - if they are this easy to entertain, I am returning a ton of stuff!

Merry Christmas from Caleb

It has been another crazy year in our house! Mom is so busy with all of our Christmas activities that she has asked me to write this year's letter once again. I got a lot of great feedback last year, so I am sure you will not mind hearing from me again!

Spring 2011 brought some fun for my brother and sister. Jessica competed in three separate dance competitions. She did a great job. She looked so pretty, and I was very proud of her. Alex joined Boy Scout troop 400. He has loved it. He camps almost every other weekend. I think he slept in a tent 5 out of 7 nights a week during the summer - even through some rain storms. He let me join him a few times. I can't wait to join Cub Scouts in June 2012
Dad is still liking working at SAS. He has a really cool building. My favorite room is the snack room. Alex likes Mr Goodnight's (the owner of SAS) rock and mineral collection. Jessica likes all of the cool artwork and structures around the campus. Mom says that the benefits are amazing, but I have no idea what she is talking about. Mom goes to the doctor there, but me and my brother and sister really just like to go to family day because they have a huge celebration.

Mom still works at my old preschool. I don't know why she didn't come with me to big school, but I keep telling her that she needs to. I ride with her to work each morning and set up her classroom for her before I hop on the school bus. I am the first Sublett kid to get to ride the bus. I really like it. Alex and Jess don’t want me to ride it, but I begged and I'm mom's favorite!

I hope you have a great Christmas - okay, truthfully, I do not know who you even are - but I tend to be a nice kid, so I hope your Christmas is great!

Merry Christmas,


(and Scott, Amanda, Alex, and Jessica Sublett too)

December 09, 2011

hurt me

talk about me
ignore me
walk past me and do not speak
better yet, walk past me and mutter something ugly
talk about me behind my back to people I love
criticize my life, my weight, my parenting, my choices

but do not hurt my children


I do not enjoy seeing my children have their feelings hurt... I know that it is normal and expected over their lifetime. I know that some of their friends will be friends forever. I also know that some of their friends will move on. I know that they will say ugly things about people and that people will say ugly things about them. I understand that life will not always be a bed of roses for them. I also understand that even beautiful roses have nasty thorns

knowing all of this does not make it any easier when they are hurting

December 03, 2011

sense of value

as parents we have a lot of jobs... we cook, clean, discipline, love, fix, drive, teach, help, hurt, model, influence, nurse, minister....

one of the many jobs that I need to improve on is giving my children a sense of importance

we need to value our children. we need to love them and treasure them in such a way that they feel how important they are. they need to know that they have sincere and deep value.

we should carve out time that is specifically for them... doing what they enjoy with them. this is not watching them play ball or going to their concert... this is sitting together watching a movie, enjoying a meal out on a date, playing ball together... ACTIVELY doing something WITH your child...

i get too busy. i have got to set aside the crap that takes my attention away from my kids. i need to make them more important in my daily life.

last night my daughter got asked out to the movies by an 8th grader... she was thrilled. he wanted to take her out and spend time and money on her... then an hour later, he told her that his ex-girlfriend was jealous and may want to go with them "just as friends"... this made my kid uncomfortable, but she was actually willing to go through with it because she just wanted to be "wanted"...

what the heck? i had failed. she was willing to put up with being treated like second fiddle to a kid who was either passive aggressive and unwilling to take a stand or unwilling to make a choice so he would just take two girls to the movies. i told her to put her phone down, and think about it. give it the night and wait till morning to make a decision...

this morning, she came out of her room and texted him.... (paraphrase) "my mom pointed out to me last night that you asked me to the movies, but also your ex. this is only showing me that either you are not completely interested in me or that you are not able to take a stand when someone is upset. either way, i am not interested in anyone like that. i will not be going to the movies today with you. have fun."

there we go - she has value. we do not lower our standards of what we will accept or how we will be treated just in order to get a date....

let's empower our children that they are worth more than anything... they are worth fighting for and waiting for... so, fight for your kids and give them your time.

if WE do not teach them this... what will they learn by our non-actions?