I understand that Jesus was probably not born on December 25, 0000...
but He was born
I cannot fathom my Lord choosing to leave heaven and all of its wonder. I cannot imagine looking into the eyes of God, the Father, and being willing to leave Him to come to earth. I wonder why He was interested in coming to help a horrible sinner such as myself.
but He was born
As I was growing up, I would love to tell you wonderful heartfelt stories about my childhood Christmases... I would love to tell you that we prayed each night and re-told the Christmas story. I would love to tell you that Christmas Eve we read the story from Luke and were teary as we thought about Christ coming to the earth to save us from the depths of hell... but we never did.
Christmas was all about Santa. I loved him. To this day, I collect Santas. I know that many Christians are against Santa and some have a fit when they discover that I have a ton of Santas. Santa loved me regardless of my behavior or attitude. Santa always wanted the best for me. Santa always brought me the most wonderful surprises and gifts. He was an amazing man, a forgiving man, a loving man
but HE was born
Jesus is the reason that we celebrate. He is an amazing GOD. He is a forgiving GOD. He is a loving GOD.
He was born... a couple thousand years ago... just for me... well, I know that it was for all of us... but as an only, adopted child... I like to think that all Jesus did, went thru, and died for was for me... cause I need it.
He was born of a virgin. He left heaven to come to a smelly stable. He grew up in a social class that was far beneath the King He should have been. He died in a horrible, gruesome way.
He was born for me
Merry Christmas - and Happy Birthday to Jesus... I pray that I can remember and concentrate on the true meaning and reason to celebrate Christmas... and I pray that my children will have wonderful memories of Christmas just like I did... but different memories...
because HE was born
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