August 01, 2011

choices have consequences

It has taken me so long to learn that every choice has a consequence... every choice.

I have made some great choices in life... my husband, my adoption trip to Russia, friendships, some car choice, some jobs, a few hairstyles, my wonderful epiphany 2010... then I have made some horrible choices... the location of my home, a car purchased in 2005, a few hairstyles, a few lop-sided friendships, to remain in an abusive relationship with people who hurt me...

Each of these decisions have had consequences. I have to live with them because I CHOSE them. It is a hard lesson to learn that we have a lot more control over our lives than we are led to believe as kids.

If you are struggling or unhappy, stand up, pull up your grown up britches and change your circumstance. I know that it will be hard and scary... but YOU decide where you are going to lay your head tonight... and who it will be beside. YOU decide to let someone use you or value you. YOU choose to be confident or manipulated.

I had a long talk with someone over the weekend about their life. Feeling the freedom and power to change some things in your life can be very scary and very daunting. I am impressed and happy to see a friend stand up and decide that things will be different. She is a beautiful person. She is a giver. She wants everyone around her to be happy and will sacrifice her own self for everyone/anyone else. These are not horrible qualities to have... yet, she gives too much. She owns too much of the pain of the people around her. She needs to protect herself.

If you are a lover of books, pick up a copy of Boundaries... I was given mine from a friend at work and it has dramatically changed my life. Some may like the new me... I am sure some do not... however,  I am a happier, more complete person. I can choose to help others or to do nothing - but I am no longer being
or guilted into anything... It is wonderful.

P.S. (added after review...)

Let God lead your heart, and
let Him show you where you need to get involved in something/someone.

In all of this post - I can read where it sounds like I am saying "I can do whatever I want"... and that is certainly true to a point. But I do not want to let you believe that I no longer care about what we should do because we are Christians and because it is right... I do not always want to go to church on Sunday, but I do. My kids rarely want to go to school, but they do. I may not want to cook supper, clean my house, or lots of things... However, I no longer will call someone, meet someone for a meal, or invite every person on my friend list to a trip to Starbucks because I feel guilty if I don't...

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