January 08, 2012

i've decided

I've decided that I am not nice.

I speak my mind. I am honest. I am too blunt sometimes. I tend to be passionate about my opinion. I may listen to other views but rarely change my mind.

I am not nice.

I am not very compassionate. If your head hurts, take a painkiller... if it still hurts, I will talk more quietly and try to help... if you are not willing to do anything about it, shut up. If you hate your job, look for a new one or ways to change the one you are in. If you continue with the way things are, shut up. If your husband or wife treats you horribly, let's find a way to make it better. If you continue to be a floor mat, shut up.

I am not nice.

I really do not know how or when I became this way. I do not think I have been mean forever... but when I think back, I truly cannot remember being nice.

My husband tells me that I am a nice person to "those who are on my top 10 list. But if you are not on the list, watch out."

that makes me sad

I guess if I want to be nicer, I should do something about it or shut up!


  1. I love you and I am thankful that you are my Sublett Sister! Ha! I do remember once when I said I was cold you told me to "Eat a piece of cake!" :-)

  2. Since when does being nice mean having to listen to people whine for days about a situation that they have no intention of changing? You are not a mean person if you tell someone to take a pill for their headache, change their circumstances or to get over it. You tell people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. I think of you more as a straight-forward, what you see is what you get, take no nonsence kind of person! And I love every bit of it!


What do you think about that?