February 05, 2012


...the love of a mother...

I have a child with special needs... this child has not always made great choices... this child tends to sabotage his life...

I am struggling.

I fight for him
I lose friendships due to him
I spend a majority of our money on his medical needs and medications
I use most of my time in the afternoons helping with homework one on one
I rarely take time off of work, except when it is for a meeting for him
I argue with my husband over choices for him
my marriage suffers because of him
I worry over the other two children because of how much attention I have to give to him
a majority of my life is spent worrying over him

when he lashes out or acts out, 90% of the time it is towards me 

I am struggling

This child is sabotaging his life... he does not make great choices... he has needs...

I love him... I really do...
but I am struggling too

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