September 15, 2012

a new attempt

I have exercised before... I have been in classes, worked on machines, gone to the gym at 5am, run to zumba at 7pm, bought a big ball to workout on, walked and jogged on a treadmill....
but it did not work and I quit.
but here's to a new attempt....
I think I have officially lost my dern mind.
I started walking immediately after surgery. I have a huge desire to get smaller as quickly as possible. I try to walk a little farther every time I go... The farthest I have walked is 5.2 miles.
But, tonight I did something, that for me, is very brave.
I signed up for a 5K. I understand that it is just over three miles. I have done this several times... but never in front of people. I certainly could never imagine paying to "get to" run it...
However, on October 27th I will be walking/jogging my first ever 5K in Raleigh, NC. I hope and pray that it will be the first of many. I pray that I enjoy it. I want to rock it out and have a new hobby.
...a hobby that will change my life for the better...
Here we go... want to attempt a change for the better along with me? Sign up...
(I am signed up under the team named SublettCraziness)


  1. Good for you, Amanda!! Our family is two weeks into "couch to 5K training"....i am not a runner that is for sure! But we are plugging away! ...all 8 of us... :-)

  2. I am so proud of you! I'm also struggling to love to exercise! You've got this girl!

  3. So proud of you Amanda!! that is awesome!


What do you think about that?