January 30, 2013

silent mover

My oldest is special... He has always gotten excited by the strangest little things... then seems to be completely unmoved at obvious things...
  • At the age of two and a half, he could lay on the front sidewalk for thirty minutes while watching tiny ants... huge smile on his face and would not move
  • from his first roller coaster (age 5) to present times, he looks like he may fall asleep on any roller coaster regardless of how many hills, dips, or upside downs... he gets off of the ride saying it was amazing, but looks like he is bored.
  • while three years old, he could tight rope walk across the TOP of the swing set, jump off or slide down the pole while screeching or land a flip on a trampoline at age 5
  • he could open his window, slide out under the window screen, cross the street, go behind my parents' home, count deer, come back home, slide under screen, close window and get back into bed... he was 8, 9, and 10... it was between 2-4AM... silently
  • everyday normal activities are done with big noises, huge movement (like skipping with big hops down the hall to brush teeth), stomping like a herd of cattle when it is time for a meal, hollering like you are calling pigs when feeding the dogs...

My oldest also rarely sleeps. When he was little, he was a sleep-walker. We would find him standing in the middle of the kitchen (his favorite room in the house). He has been known to get up, make a sandwich, eat it, and go to bed - but he never cleaned up the crumbs and knives while asleep. He would stay up for hours coloring, designing things on graph paper, make lists of things he wanted to do, write notes to his father and me, play with legos, put together puzzles on the floor of his closet...etc. At an early age, he learned how to stuff a towel or shirt at the bottom of his door, so we could not see that his light was on.... scary.
However last night was a first...
I rarely get to say that, so let me say this again...
Last night was a first.
I last saw him at midnight... then stayed outside his room for at least 15 minutes or so to "make sure" that he was asleep...
At 6:15am, I went in to wake him up. I found the ENTIRE room has been re-arranged. Everything from his bed, his rug, his desk, dresser with mirror, tall dresser, 7ft tall bookcase, desk with plastic mat, posters, UNC flags... everything is in a new place. This is heavy furniture people... big stuff... his bed is heavy iron. The dressers are solid wood, well-built heavy pieces that I stained myself 15 year ago. The bookcase is COVERED with books, lego creations, knickknacks, and stuff....
He looked up and said, "isn't it cool?"
what do you say to that?
I have no idea what in the world his future has for him. I can not imagine the job that he will one day hold. I still can not even imagine him living anywhere other than his little cave inside my house. But, I have to say...
he is a silent mover... when he wants to be

1 comment:

  1. That's my boy! While I'm sure his talents are scary sometimes....you gotta admit that's a good one. Be glad he didn't rearrange the living room. Haha This activity didn't hurt anyone per say and it is his room afterall


What do you think about that?