July 19, 2011

6 years ago

Six years ago... so much is different now... I was pregnant. I had a first grader and a third grader. I was nervous about having a third child. I knew the child would be a son, and we knew that he would be named Caleb Walker Sublett. We prayed that he would be brave as the "Caleb" from the Bible. We prayed and hoped that he would be a Godly man, as Charlie Walker, the gentle soul he was named after.

We had no idea.... My little professor will start kindergarten tomorrow morning. He is a strong-willed, stubborn little mini-man. He looks just like his father but has the spunk and wit of his mother. He is brilliant in so many ways. My Caleb is a goofy, funny, silly boy who loves to wrestle with his brother and sister. He loves to tell the same joke 20 times and expects you to still crack up. He can quote facts about dinosaurs that I did not even know existed. He loves animals in books, on the computer, or on tv - but do not expect him to touch any of them in real life! He loves books and knowledge and cannot get enough.

I have watched him grow in three years of preschool. I have gone with him everyday and seen him grow. I was his music teacher and his motion teacher. I led each chapel he attended every week. I spoke with his teachers daily and they were my friends. I knew every person he came into contact with and every child he played with. I was there for everything.

Tomorrow, I will drive to his school and send him to his first day in a school without me. It is hitting me today... tomorrow, he will not be at my side explaining everything to me... tomorrow, he will not be begging me to play pretend all afternoon and read 6 books at rest time... tomorrow, I may even talk on the phone without having to stop to hear some wondrous fact that he has discovered and cannot wait to share....

Tomorrow, my son will grow up just a little without me.... he will be fine... and so will I... but please, world.... please be kind to my son.

I love him with all of my heart.

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