July 25, 2011


I am not usually a fan of rain... I have dogs... Wet dogs smell... badly.

However, rain does not discriminate. Rain falls on good people and bad people. It is all inclusive. Everyone out in it, gets wet. The flowers get water, but so do the weeds.

It can cleanse and make you grow.

God's love it like that too. It is for everyone... we just have to accept it.... God, help me jump in a big puddle of it today!

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday evening I was out in the rain, with my newly shampooed dogs. The fresh, "new dog" smell didn't last for long. But the memories of Ginger, (shepherd/chow), and myself stomping and playing in puddles along the way will. The beautiful summer rain reminded me of when the children (28,20,14), were small, we'd play in the rain, and make leaf boats from the newly created streams. I thank God everyday for those times, and am looking forward to new times with our 4 mo. old grandson Rex Thomas.


What do you think about that?