July 23, 2011


I love to buy cards... I buy them in bundles of 4 or 5... It's a problem. When it is Scott's birthday, I usually give him at least three... I will give him a funny one, a romantic/thankful one, and usually one saying he has a cute hiney! When I shop for cards, I refuse to buy one card that says anything that I do not mean. We have all read flowery, sugary cards that spill all kinds of exaggerated love onto someone that you are merely obligated to buy a card for.... well, I won't. I do not believe that we should say things we do not mean. I have looked through racks of cards for over thirty minutes for a family member to make sure that it says what I want to express.

So, I love getting cards. Those cards bring me joy and stay with me forever.
I have a place in my cedar chest for them....

This morning, I decided to look over a few of them.

I had a pretty rough period during October-December 2010. During this time I had several friends give me cards. There is one specifically that touched my heart like no other.... My sweet friend, Janet, had no idea what was going on. She works along side of me every day and noticed that I was different. She was so aware of me and aware of my pain. First, it touched my heart that she even thought of me outside of work and went to the trouble to make me a card (yes, homemade!)... but the words inside her letter were encouraging, filled with kindness, and helped me heal. This morning, as I read it again, I was reminded of her friendship, and how precious her timing was with her gift of words.

My birthday was this past week. I do not like my birthday. I cannot explain it. I had great birthday parties when I was growing up. We played games, tons of kids, great food. I had co-ed parties with the girls sleeping over afterwards. I was an only child and received ridiculous amounts of attention and presents. However, now as an adult, I hate the fuss. I hate surprises. Hate is really not strong enough of a word. I have friends who roll their eyes, think I am lying or being dramatic... whatever. I love my age, where I am now, my family of 5... I just do not like the day of my birthday. whatever. But this year, my children started working on my heart about my birthday. How did they do it? They made my cards. They usually do make cards - but this year they wrote words that will be imprinted on my heart forever. My oldest son wrote about how I make him laugh and he loves life with me. My daughter wrote about her desire to give me the world because of how much she loved me. My youngest drew an amazing picture for me with the sweet words "I (heart) mom" on it.... 
I have had 40 birthdays and have never received such a wonderful gift.

so, what is the purpose of this post?

Remember to take notice the words you use... but even more, pay close attention to the written words that you pass to loved ones... they may be like me and treasure every letter. . . tangible pieces of love.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right about cards. I have received a lot of them in the past few weeks and they have indeed brought a measure of healing. They were filled with the love and prayers of friends and family. So glad that your children have embraced your love for cards and the importance of the words that they write in them. They have a wonderful example!


What do you think about that?