August 04, 2012

Consequences stink

Sometimes consequences stink

My oldest wanted to buy a laptop this summer... My middle never mentioned wanting one...

We sat down, discussed ways to make money, made a plan, and had a probable outcome of a laptop by September one... He was so excited!

But consequences got in the way

First of all, he broke a window... That was $80. Then, he dropped my ipod and it broke... That was $300. So, he had to spend $380 all because of natural consequences... No punishment was needed from me. Life alone took care of it.

Consequences stink

A friend of our family decided to sell her ipad2 for $280. An iPad with the use of a Bluetooth keyboard is the perfect inexpensive laptop for a 15 or 13 year old... My oldest wanted this iPad more than life... However, he only had about $120. We had discussed way back in May that his parents would not be helping financially in any way. His actions would prevent him from buying the laptop and even the less expensive iPad.

My middle child heard about the iPad. She counted her cash and discovered over $350... She bought the iPad and the keyboard. She was so excited to have a laptop-like thingy...

I have tried to teach all three of my kids that ALL CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES. The summer my oldest has learned this lesson on his own. He had a great summer. He earned over 25 merit badges, attended two scout camps, rode over 50 miles on his bike, went on a 50 mile hike through the mountains of West Virginia, had fun at the pool, got along great with his siblings... But he will not have a laptop for September...

Consequences....well, you get the idea.

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