August 24, 2012


The first time I went to the support group... well, the meeting was less than stellar... Tracey and I went because it was required. All patients of my doctor are required to attend one prior to surgery and one post surgery... When Tracey and I went, there was a speaker talking about her process - I was not impressed. She had only lost weight in a few areas, but was still huge in others. It scared me. Plus when we broke into groups, I about went nuts with the few women in my group who were crazy and had no idea what was going on. I swore I would not go again.

However, last night was different.
A friend who had the surgery a few years ago, met with me a week prior to my surgery. She told me that this process would be so much more mental that physical... She told me that the number one thing she did for herself was to go to support group. I laughed and thought, "that place was nuts"...
However, last night was different.
My friend was right. Last night, a few people discussed how it is hard for them to get in all of their liquids. I am not having trouble with that... A few discussed how hard it is to get in all of their protein. I now have a simple schedule and am hitting my goal every day with protein. I am not having trouble with that at all.
One lady discussed how after her first appointment she was so sad because she had not lost as much as she had anticipated that she cried... I could identify.
This is a mental game. I know that I have lost weight. I know in my head that it will come. But, it is slower than I want of course... so, my mind plays with me. It is easy to get discouraged.
Support group is a good thing. It is important to sit and chat with people that know what you are going through... the people around my house think I am nuts. They each ask how they can help me. Yet, I have no idea... but the people last night have all been there (or are quickly on their way to being there)... It is good to have a group of people to look at and say, "I am tired of hiccups" and all of them laugh and nod....
on a funny note, there are some who share too much too soon... as I walked in last night, a lady walked along side of me who was one week post-op. Having never met her, I asked, "what did you have?" She said that she had full gastric and was having a lot of trouble with diarrhea and was scared all the time about having an accident and was even wearing depends just in case.... Yea... okay... so, me, the queen of tact, said... "Wow... okay... so, I don't think I caught your NAME"... I have found at these meetings, we identify each person by what they have had versus who they are... kind of funny. It also cracks me up just how personal each of them get and how quickly they will "spill their guts". I guess people just feel safe quickly... I guess that is not a bad thing...
but I am not walking in with the depends lady again....


1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed meeting you all last night. You gave me some great advice on what to expect for the upcoming few weeks. I'm just so ready for my results visit Monday and to get a "DATE"! Oh yeah....I'm also praying I don't end up in Depends ;)


What do you think about that?